How To Clean A Dog Bed Without A Removable Cover? Step By Step


Your pet may give you some unique cleaning challenges, and you always have to be ready for that. It becomes a little bit difficult if you buy a bed without a removable cover.

But no need to worry because these simple steps will help you to wash the bed correctly.

A pet bed is essential because it gives your dog a sense of belongings and hominess. A comfortable pet bed may give your dog a perfect sleep to stay active and healthy.

So buying a good dog bed is necessary, and people often make mistakes while buying one.

A dog bed with a removable cover is easy to clean. If you buy a bed without a removable cover, you need to follow some necessary steps.

What is a dog bed without a removable cover?

A dog bed without a removable cover means the cover is attached to the mattress. A dog bed with a removable cover is easy to clean, and one can clean the cover and mattress separately.

Today, the dog bed market is so competitive, and so many powerful companies are trying to sell beds, and it is easy to find a quality bed by spending a small amount of money.

But, people often make mistakes while buying one. Before purchasing a bed, you have to consider that it is machine washable or not.

How Often Do You Need To Wash a Dog Bed Without a Removable Cover?

Experts say, “it is important to clean the dog bed at least twice a week.” It is essential for your dog’s health and your family also. If you don’t clean it, it will promote bacteria to grow on the bed.

Bacteria can survive up to 12 months on their own. If you don’t clean the bed, it will cause your dog to have some skin-related disease. Do you remember that your child often loves to play with the dog?

If you don’t clean the bed regularly, your child can also be affected by allergy-related issues because he always plays with your sweet little pet.

Dust, allergens, dog hair can mess up everything. You have to remove all hair and clean everything properly. It is essential for the refreshment and overall health of your family.

When your dog gets up from bed, it always carries bacteria. So taking a refreshing bath is really necessary for your dog. Moreover, it is also essential to clean the bed correctly. Actually, it depends on your pet’s activity; how many time it goes out for playing?

The main point is to clean the bed at least twice a week, which will help your dog and your family stay active and healthy.

What Do You Need to Wash a Dog Bed Without a Removable Cover?

For washing a dog bed without a removable cover, you have to clean the whole bed. If you have the right tools and products, the process is quite easy. You can easily find the products in the local store.

  • Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is for removing all the loose dirt. Before washing the bed, the first step is to run a vacuum cleaner all over the bed to get rid of dust.

  • Lint Roller

A lint roller is for removing the stuck hair from the bed.

  • Stain Remover

For cleaning any blots on the bed, you will need and stain remover like enzyme cleaner.

  • Washer

You will need a washer to wash the bed. But you have to be sure that the mattress is machine washable. If the bed is so large, then go to the nearest laundromat or use your hand to wash the bed with a rod or something.

  • Warm Water

Warm water kills germs and bacteria, and it would be wise to clean the bed with warm water.

  • Laundry Detergent

Regular stain removers may contain strong chemicals, and a pet-friendly stain remover from the local pet store is good enough for your pet’s skin. Regular stain remover can lead to skin inflammation and cause allergies. You need to find one that is good for your pet’s skin.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has an anti-bacterial quality, and it’s a natural product for any cleaning.

  • Baking Soda

Sprinkling the baking soda on the bed can help you to remove harmful bacteria from the bed.

How to Wash a Dog Bed Without a Removable Cover Step by Step?

The process is simple and easy, and washing a dog bed without a removable cover is straightforward. But first, you have to be sure that you have all the necessary tools with you. These simple steps can help.

At first, you should remove all the dirt and bacteria from the bed. You have to make sure that your bed is machine washable, or else you have to clean it with your hand.

Follow these simple steps to wash a dog bed properly without a removable cover.

  • The Beginning

At first, you need a vacuum cleaner to remove all the loose dirt from the bed. Then, you need to wear a mask and take the bed outside and hit it with a rod or something. This process will help you to remove all the loose dirt quickly.

Now it is time to remove the stuck hair. You can use a lint roller or something to remove the stuck hair from the bed. You can also use a dryer on an air cycle mode to remove all the dirt from the bed. You can choose any of these two methods.

  • Remove The Marks

Before you start with the cleaning process, it is essential to remove the stains from the bed. If you wash or clean the whole bed with water before removing the stains from the bed, it will cause the stains to spread more on the bed.

So it can be difficult for you to handle it. Hard marks can be from dog food, urine, dirt, etc.

Sometimes a hard stain can be difficult to remove, and regular detergents won’t do that. So, try to buy a stain remover that can remove marks easily.

It will help if you find a stain remover that doesn’t contain strong chemicals. Regular detergents may contain strong chemicals that are not suitable for your pet.

Stain removers or detergents for dogs can help in removing the stains quickly and have a sweet fragrance. You need to put the stain remover directly on the stains and wait for 5 minutes.

Then, use a wet washcloth to gently remove the stains and try not to scrub or wipe the stains. So that you can remove the stains correctly, and it won’t damage the bed cover.

  • Presoak

The next step you need to take is to put the bed in warm water with some detergent.

Warm water can kill the remaining harmful bacteria from the bed, which can cause itchiness. You need to use those detergents that are specially made for pet product cleaning. Regular detergents that contain strong chemicals can cause skin itchiness and allergy.

Harsh chemicals like bleach, isopropyl alcohol, petroleum distillates, chlorine, phenols, formaldehyde, phthalates, diethanolamine, etc., are harmful to your pet, and you must avoid using that kind of chemicals.

Local pet stores have some detergents suitable for cleaning your pet’s bed and don’t contain any harsh chemicals, and it is better to use such items instead of the regular ones. Next, fill the washer with warm water and put the bed inside with some detergent.

You have to make sure that the bed is entirely underwater. Wait for 20 minutes.

  • Rinse

Before you buy a bed, you have to make sure that the bed is machine washable, and it will make everything easy. Check the manufacturer’s description of how to clean and take care of the bed correctly.

Every bed is not machine washable, and if your bed is so big, you have to find the nearest laundromat to find a larger washing machine.

After cleaning out the dirty water from the bed, you have to put some warm water again in the washer and thoroughly rinse your dog bed for 5-6 minutes. This stage is for cleaning and getting the soap out of bed correctly.

  • If you hand wash

This process is also easy and quite similar. After washing the bed with warm water and detergent, squeeze out as much water as you can that the foam and cover have absorbed. Then put it again back to warm water and rinse thoroughly.

Then squeeze out as much as water you can and keep repeating the process. In this way, you can get rid of all the soap. If the bed is big, take help from someone to squeeze out the water.

  • Drying

After completing all the processes mentioned above, the bed is now ready for drying. Let it dry outside in the sun, or you can use a dryer.

Now the bed is ready for your sweet little dog to take a perfect nap.

How to Spot Clean and Dry a Bed Without a Removable Cover After Washing?

After washing the bed before your dog jumps into it, you have to check that the bed is correctly dried or not, or else bacteria or germs may cause allergy or skin inflammation.

If you see a little spot after washing or your dog just made a spot, no need to worry and follow these simple steps to remove the spot.

How to remove the spots?

Regular detergents contain strong chemicals that might be harmful to your pet. The first step is to make sure that the detergent is chemical-free and perfect for your dog. You can check the local pet stores to find a detergent that is pet friendly and won’t damage the bed.

  1. You can use apple cider vinegar as a stain remover that quickly removes the stains and gives a sweet fragrance. It is a natural stain remover that is not harmful to your pet.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove all the loose dirt.
  3. Put the stain remover directly on the stains and wait for 5 minutes.
  4. Try not to rub or scrub the stains, or it will spread more on the mattress.
  5. Use a wet washcloth on the stains for absorbing all the water.
  6. Place the bed outside of your house to let it dry in the sun. If you can’t do that, you will need a dryer or let it dry in your home by switching on the fan and opening the window. Try to get as much air circulation as you can in the room.
  7. Sprinkling a little baking soda over the areas will help kill any bacteria or germs left behind.

Tips to Keep a Dog Bed Clean and Without Odors:

You can not stop your dog from playing, and as soon as you put on a fresh bed, your dog will be ready to make it dirty again. From this article, you know how to clean or wash a dog bed correctly.

But how to make it stay fresh or clean for an extended period of time?
These simple steps will help.

  1. Try to vacuum your dog bed every day, and it will help reduce all the loose dirt and bacteria.
  2. A water-resistant cover can help. You can find this type of cover in the local pet store and can be used over or under the bed cover. These large covers are easily washable. You can put it anywhere your dog sits to get rid of stains from the bed, sofa, ground, etc. These types of covers don’t make squeaky sounds when your dog walks on those covers.
  3. Try to take the bed outside and let it dry in the sun for 5 minutes.
  4. If you want to save your dog from any allergy or skin-related issues, you need to spray anti-bacterial liquid all over the bed. Make a mixture of vinegar and water and pour it into a spray bottle to spray the mixture all over the bed. This mixture can help you to get rid of the odor from the bed. Do this once daily.
  5. If you’re busy with your work or something and can’t clean the bed twice a week, you can make a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to wash the outside of the bed gently. Take a washcloth and clean the outside of the bed with the mixture.
  6. Check if the bed is dry or not before letting your pub jumps into it.

See How Easy It Is to Wash a Dog Bed Without a Removable Cover:

Washing a dog bed is easy if you follow all the steps mentioned above. Everyone loves their pet and don’t want their pet to get sick for not washing a dog bed properly.

A dog bed for your dog is necessary to help it take a perfect nap, and a dog bed will make it realize that it is also a part of your family.

A dog bed brings a private space for your dog to take a perfect sleep. Washing a dog bed twice a week is necessary, and if you don’t have enough time, you can wash it at least once a week.

Try to spray the mixture of water and vinegar at least once a day to kill bacteria or germs. Your puff means everything to you, and you always want it to be healthy and active.

Do you know that dogs also can suffer from anxiety if you don’t take care? They don’t want to be left alone at home and want to spend their whole life with you, and a perfect dog bed can help your furry friend to sleep right next to you.

But you don’t want a smelly bed right next to you. Instead, you want a bed that is fresh and germs free for your dog.

You have to make sure of buying a detergent that is sweet for your pet’s skin. Please don’t buy those that contain strong chemicals. Your dog always loves to play outside, and it brings germs on its body while playing.

So giving your dog a perfect bath is necessary before letting it to the bed.

Follow the steps mentioned above to wash the dog bed without a removable cover. If you face any problem while cleaning, contact us through e-mail or comment in our comment section.

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